The rationale of getting catchy and easy to remember domain names will not work to woo new school proxy visitors. You can also forget about trying to do search engine optimization (SEO) when you are trying to get
student and office proxy users. Even if you are ranked at the top of the search engine results when these people search for "unblock myspace", they are unable to access your web proxy site because it is already blocked and blacklisted by the their web filter unless you are using a special
stealthy proxy script. I am not saying it is useless to rank well in the search engines, but definitely not for gaining "bypass" traffic. Some proxy webmasters also suggest not to use domain names with the word "proxy" in it, such as thebestproxyever dot com. Similarly, avoid mentioning the words "proxy", "unblock", "anonymous", etc in the web pages. These can be easily picked up by web content filters and label your site as 99% a web proxy that should be automatically blocked as well. If you are using google Adsense to monetize your web proxy and you do not have the word proxy in your domain name, you may not get targeted advertisements to show up. For example, if you are the
new proxy owner of ProxyAndMoreProxy dot com and you have two 336 by 280 Adsense text advertisement blocks plus two Adsense 468 by 15 link advertisements on your site, this is whats going to happen. You will get targeted ads showing up for the 468 by 15 links. Because your site is a web proxy, targeted ads in this case will be on proxy related stuff. You should see something like "Youtube Proxy", "Free Proxy List", "Web Proxy Servers", "Anonymous Proxy IP", "Phproxy", etc showing up. My experience is that 468 by 15 links get a lot of clicks, several times more than the 336 by 280 text ads. However, each click on average is only about $0.05. It is up to you whether you want them or not. I did because despite their low value per click, they more than made it up in terms of numbers. They typically form 60% of my overall Adsense earnings for proxy websites. Some of you may ask that if we remove these link ads and only show the large rectangular text ads, will results be better? There is the worry that the low value link ads may cannibalize potential earnings that can be made from the expected higher values ads shown in the large 336 by 280 Adsense rect blocks. As you may already know, once a proxy visitor clicks on any Adsense ads, they may leave your site and be brought to the advertiser's sites. The visitors are very unlikely to click backspace and return to your site such that they can click on another ad. Fat hope for it to happen, but when it does, you better be prepared to face fraud click charges. Somebody may be trying to help or harm you by clicking ads on your web proxy. Anyway, back to the question on link ads eating to the profits of text block ads. This may or may not be true. Let me explain this from my experience. There are not many Adwords advertisers that are gunning for proxy related keywords and have their ads shown on the content network, which is on third party publisher sites like mine and yours. They may prefer to have their ads shown only for Google's earch pages. Thus, you may find that there are no ads being shown in the 336 by 280 ad blocks most of the time. You can try this by putting one 468 by 15 link ad and one 336 by 280 rect block on your proxy webpage and track them exclusively with separate Adsense channels. After a few days, login to your Adsense account and look at the number of impressions for these two channels/ad types. You will see that there are many more impressions for the link ad. The more times an ad is shown, the more times it can be clicked on and make money for you, provided all things are equal. So why does the link ad always have ads to be shown? Because those are linked to a google search page. When a proxy site visitor clicks on a keyword link in the 468 by 15 link ad, he or she will be redirected onto a page containing search results for that keyword. At this point, you do not earn anything yet. Only when the visitor clicks a second time on any of those search results will the visitor be redirected to the advertiser's site and you get paid. Sometimes there are $1 plus clicks coming from link ads. Rare but they do show up every now and then. I suspect we get less money per click from link ads because google takes a larger share of the advertisers' dollars here, but what do I know? If you are still not convinced about the viability of using link ads, just go ahead and do some split testing of your own. Set up the Adsense tracking channels properly and then start switching between templates containing both link ads and text blocks versus those having just one large text rect. You can easily write a php script for this task; if you still do not know some simple php, learn or team up with someone who does. I seriously tell you that you are wasting your hard earned traffic by not split testing and fine tuning your monetizing strategies for your proxy websites.
When you choose to avoid using the proxy related keywords in your domain name and in your web content, Adsense does not really know what type of ads to show on your web proxy initially. You may end up with nonprofit public service ads where all clicks earn something for charity and not you. You may get advertisements showing up that is totally non related to proxy. For example, if you are the owner of BypassEverything dot com, you may get surgical and heart operation ads. Yes, theoretically these are going to pay much more compared to youtube proxy ads. However, google may only pay you $0.01 a click for such ads which are rumored to bring in $10 a click. Why you may ask? Because google do not really think your website is everything about bypass operations, so they may decide that clicks are going to be flukes and will not to pay you your fair share unless you really are a health related site. Whether they charge the advertisers a full $10 while paying you $0.01 for a non-related click, nobody except them knows the whole story. Even if you get a $5 click on your first day of running BypassEverything dot com proxy, things are not likely to repeat on the second day and thereafter. In fact, you are likely to find that there are no more ads being shown on your website. Google seems to pay more attention to high value clicks and where such clicks are being generated. Just imagine a Google employee coming over to look at your site when a visitor clicks on a $5 bypass surgery ad. When all he sees are bypass this websense and bypass that filter, he can label your site as a proxy and no more medical related ads for you. You may still get proxy related ads, but if your site and domain name both do not contain proxy keywords, then most of the time you get nothing, no ads at all.
It is not accurate trying to view your site with the same computer where you access your Adsense account with. Somehow google will always show you ads because they know the web proxy owner is viewing the proxy site themselves. Try visiting your proxy url using a proxy belonging to somebody else and you will see what normal visitors to your proxy sites are seeing.
Yes, there is a way to trap a lot of high paying but unrelated clicks by using web proxies and another method. Because proxy websites easily get lots of traffic, some blackhat webmasters use this method to profit fast. By the second day, they will have no use for that proxy website and its domain name. Thus, they need a lot of cheap domain names in order to carry this out but they can get away with very cheap proxy hosting plans. I decided not to say out the name of that method, but most of you should be able to put two and two together.