The last type of proxy users are your regular friendly spammers and webmasters trying to do something not so clean without exposing themselves as well as other service abusers. These people are trying to break some rules (and maybe some laws as well) without getting caught. They are very experienced users and are not likely to click your ads and make you some pennies. Some webmasters wanted to click their own ads and make some money by cheating the pay per click companies such as Google Adsense and the Adwords advertisers. They try to use your free web proxy to surf your own website and when they click on the ads, the IP address appears to be that of your proxy server and not their own IP. Seems fine, but most of such mischief do get caught some time after. Most proxy owners said that
You tend to get a lot of such abusive proxy visitors by listing your new free proxies at proxy listing sites; that is just the way things are currently. New anonymous web proxies tend to be vulnerable and fall to prey by these abusers - that is why they keep looking out for new proxies online. Imagine yourself as an ordinary student trying to get a bypass school filters proxy from such proxy listing sites to surf outside the school internet censored contents. After being shown a list of twenty proxy servers and lets say all of them have unimaginative domain names like surfme dot com blah blah, nine out of ten times you will click the first few listed proxy url. That is just the way we are – we think the first few bypass proxies should be newer and less loaded. However, you will notice that when your listed free proxy is pushed down to the fourth and lower positions, the traffic hits are still coming. Even when your public proxy is pushed off the first page and appears only on the second page and etc, traffic is still coming! Wow, there are some proxy users that like your proxy url so much that they search for it on the first, second and third page etc until they can find yours and click on it to visit your free web proxy server. Sounds incredible right? But why are your earnings so low despite having lots of traffic coming from the listing sites? If you want real users that tend to click the ads on your proxy webpage and make you some cash, you have to attract the real users by being on the first three listings on such proxy announcement sites. You are only attracting unwanted traffic when your proxy url is off the first three positions.